


Antoine Le Gall (CERN)
Rickard Ström (DESY)

Editorial Board: 
Daniela Bortoletto (Oxford)
Paolo Giacomelli (INFN)
Felix Sefkow (DESY)

Composed of a mix of senior and young detector scientists, the project’s publication committee will ensure a well-structured peer-review process and publishing of AIDAinnova documents.

At the first large physics conference to set up in presence, members of the AIDAinnova project played a leading role.

Under the coordination of WP5, the development of DMAPS will allow for more cost-effective and radiation-resistant pixel detectors.

The Silicon Electron Multiplier is a novel sensor concept for Minimum Ionising Particle detection which uses internal gain and fine pitch to achieve excellent temporal and spatial resolution.

The AIDAinnova blue-sky project “NanoCal” will lay the ground for a new generation of fine-sampling calorimeters fulfilling the role of large-volume homogenous detectors at a fraction of the cost.

This recently awarded Blue Sky project aims to overcome this limit by the design of a novel doping layer with the potential to extend the lifetime of sensors by at least one order of magnitude.

An analysis of market-innovation trends of particle detectors stresses the decline in innovation growth of Europe in comparison to China.

The Software for Future Detectors work package (WP12) has invited all of its AIDAinnova developers to a hackathon at CERN, June 21-23.