What is AIDAinnova?
PROJECT ACRONYM: Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators |
Discoveries in particle physics are technology-driven; AIDAinnova will provide state-of-the-art upgrades to research infrastructures, such as test beams, in order to unfold the scientific potential of detector technologies.
The project will run for a duration of four years from April 2021 to March 2025 and is co-funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 programme.
Due to the need for highly specialised detector equipment, often in industrial-scale numbers, the project will involve eight industrial companies, three RTOs (Research and Technology Organisations) and 34 academic institutions in 15 countries, in co-innovation for common detector projects, strengthening the competence and competitiveness of the industrial partners in other markets.
The project has a focus on near- and medium-term future projects, as outlined in the European Strategy Update, published in May 2020.
Who is involved?
AIDAinnova comprises 45 partners from academic, industry and Research and Technology Organisations from 15 different European countries, and includes CERN. The work is structured across 14 Work Packages.

Aims of AIDAinnova
The key aims of the project are as follows:
- To explore applications of novel technologies such as integrated CMOS sensors, additive manufacturing or machine learning, and to assess their performance for the challenging needs of future or upgraded HEP experiments.
- To strengthen the synergies between different projects and communities, with added value such as optimal use of modern concepts in common software frameworks and common prototyping using the latest technologies for microelectronics.
- To increase the efficiency and quality of the beam test and irradiation facilities by supporting their upgrades and improvements through dedicated Innovation Activities.
- To render European Industry ready for large series production of HEP detectors.

AIDAinnova Organisation