By Antoine Le Gall (CERN)
Composed of a mix of senior and young detector scientists, the project’s publication committee will ensure a well-structured peer-review process and publishing of AIDAinnova documents.
In order to maintain European leadership in the field of particle physics, the High-Energy Physics community will need more young researchers to master detector instrumentation. As one of the leaders in advancing the European detector development infrastructure, the AIDAinnova project is committed to enhance participation, responsibility, visibility and training for young professionals (i.e. students and post-docs) specialising in detector technologies.
Since July 2022, the project has set up a new instrument to facilitate the publication of its past, present and future papers, and in particular those of young scientists. The Publication Committee (PubCom) is composed of four detector scientists, two junior and two senior, in charge of ensuring a well-structured peer-review process for the publishing of AIDAinnova notes and dedicated publications. The PubCom will allow for the validation of young researcher’s research work completed in the AIDAinnova context and, consequently, supporting young researchers’ careers. All “young”, untenured scientists are encouraged to subscribe to the dedicated mailing lists per AIDAinnova institute.
The first iteration of the PubCom has been formed with the following members:
- Junior:
- Camila Pedano (CERN)
- Matias Senger (U. Zurich)
- Senior:
- Brieuc Francois (CERN)
- Anna Zaborowska (CERN)
It is the responsibility of the WP coordinator to coordinate the review of all publications that will result from the work in their WP. Such a review process can be initiated by the WP coordinator(s) after having discussed with the authors and coordinated with the PubCom, but it is not compulsory. However, a WP-wide review is recommended for all documents that will not go through a peer-review elsewhere, for example during journal submission. The AIDAinnova review procedure and the role of the author(s), WP coordinator(s), and the PubCom is outlined in Figure 1.

Figure 1: AIDAinnova review procedure (Credit: AIDAinnova).
The technical steps for enabling such a process have been worked out in collaboration with the CERN Document Server (CDS) support group. The process supports the creation of an initial draft document with an associated review procedure and the final publication in several categories with a dedicated AIDAinnova label. Most notably this includes the category of internal notes that are only accessible to AIDAinnova members. These are particularly useful for student reports where the AIDAinnova label will provide added recognition. The copy of the final document shall also be uploaded by the author to Zenodo.