
Year 1

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Planned delivery date

Actual delivery date



D2.1 Presentation video WP2 2.2 M3 25/02/2022 Achieved Report
D14.1 POPD-Requirement No. 1 WP14 N/A M6 30/09/2021 Achieved Confidential
D14.2 EPQ-Requirement No. 2 WP14 N/A M6 14/12/2021 Achieved Confidential

Year 2

Del no.

Deliverable name



Planned delivery date

Actual delivery date



D1.1 European Roadmap for Detector R&D WP1 1.2 M18 30/11/2022 Achieved Report
D5.1 Report on performance of high granularity DMAPS Version 1 WP5 5.2 M22 31/05/2023 Achieved Report
D11.1 MPW 28 nm WP11 11.2 M22 31/07/2024 Achieved Report
D11.2 MPW 65/130 nm WP11 11.3 M23 14/05/2024 Achieved Report

Year 3

Del no.

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Planned delivery date

Actual delivery date



D3.1 Common cold box delivered WP3 3.2 M30


Justification for delay
D6.1 Completion of common productions WP6 6.2 M30


Justification for delay
D7.3 Production with industry of small-size of μ-RWELLs WP7 7.3 M30 22/12/2023 Achieved Report
D8.2 Report on prototypes construction, performance and assessment of industrialisation WP8 8.3 M35  26/04/2024 Achieved Report
D5.3 Report on performance of radiation-hard DMPAS WP5 5.3 M36 30/04/2024 Achieved Report
D7.1 Characterisation of small size MRPC prototypes for fast timing and high rates WP7 7.2 M36 26/04/2024 Achieved Report
D8.1 Demonstrator of a combined read-out system of highly granular electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters WP8 8.2 M36


Justification for delay

Year 4

Del no.

Deliverable name



Planned delivery date

Actual delivery date



D3.2 New TLU produced WP3 3.3 M39


Justification for delay
D3.4 New software developments available for use WP3 3.4 M39 30/06/2024 Achieved Report
D4.1 Integrate the data acquisition and control system at RBI-AF WP4 4.2 M40 31/07/2024 Achieved Report
D3.5 Common read-out boards delivered  WP3 3.5 M42 30/09/2024 Achieved Report
D4.2 Evaluate Non-Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL) of irradiation facilities with dedicated dosimeter structures WP4 4.3 M42  


D11.3 Measurement reports  WP11



M42 31/01/2025 Achieved Report
D10.2 Hydraulic interconnection technologies WP10 10.3 M43      
D12.3 Acts tracking algorithms WP12 12.4 M43 05/11/2024 Achieved Report
D4.5 Develop a conductive noise test bench for irradiation facilities WP4 4.5 M44      
D5.2 Report on performance of high granularity  DMAPS Version 2 WP5 5.2 M44      
D6.3 Test of the final ultra-thin hybrid assemblies from wafer-to-wafer bonding WP6 6.4 M44      
D7.5 Small-size prototype of a MPGD single photon detector for compact RICHs WP7 7.5 M44 29/11/2024 Achieved Report
D8.3 Qualification of neutron irradiated SiPMs at different temperatures WP8 8.4 M44  


Justification for delay
D9.1 Large-scale Pixel Anode WP9 9.2 M44      
D10.3 Supercritical CO2 as a refrigerant  WP10 10.4 M44      
D4.3 Deploy full prototype for irradiation facilities data management including sample tagging and spectrometry features WP4 4.3 M45      
D6.4 Validation of ACF for large and small pitch assemblies WP6 6.4 M45 01/03/2025 Achieved Report
D7.2 Validation of the eco-friendly gas mixtures for RPCs at GIF++ WP7 7.2 M45 01/03/2025 Achieved Report
D9.3 R&D in LAr optical read-out WP9 9.4 M45      
D10.4 Upgraded FSI WP10 10.5 M45      
D12.2 Fast shower simulation in Geant4 WP12 12.3 M45 20/12/2024 Achieved Report
D12.4 PFA reconstruction algorithms WP12 12.5 M45 20/12/2024 Achieved Report
D3.3 Telescopes upgraded with new layers WP3



D4.4 Offer support towards the implementation of TPA-TCT systems and contribute to the evaluation of newly developed sensors technologies WP4 4.4 M46
D5.4 Report of beam tests of irradiated radiation-hard DMPAS WP5 5.3 M46
D6.2 Final validation of timing performance of common productions WP6 6.3 M46
D7.4 A small-scale TPC prototype (#10 1) with hybrid charge/optical read-out and a hydrogen rich gas mixture with high scintillation yield WP7 7.4 M46      
D8.4 Construction and qualification with beam of 10x10 cm^2, 2 m long, prototypes WP8 8.4 M46
D9.2 Vertical Drift chimneys, digitisation, CRPs WP9 9.3 M46      
D10.1 Cooling device demonstrators  WP10 10.2 M46
D12.1 Turnkey software stack (Key4hep) WP12 12.2 M46 30/01/2025 Achieved Report
D13.1 Summary report of generic R&D projects and evaluation of the approach WP13 13.2 M46
D2.3 Final report on career actions of young scientists WP2 2.3 M47
D2.2 Report on Communication, Dissemination and Outreach WP2 2.2 M48
D2.4 Impact analysis WP2 2.4 M48