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Discoveries in particle physics are technology-driven; AIDAinnova will provide state-of-the-art upgrades to research infrastructures, such as test beams, in order to unfold the scientific potential of detector technologies. The project will run for a duration of four years from April 2021 to March 2025 and is co-funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 programme.

WP13 of AIDAinnova aims at stimulating prospective and technology-driven ('blue sky') detector R&D by opening new lines of research and new technologies, which are essential to preparing for future particle physics

A new EU project called AIDAinnova will sustainably develop a variety of innovative particle detector technologies for future experiments at accelerators. Its community came together for the first time from 13 to 16 April 2021 to set in motion the project’s work programme.

AIDAinnova will play a fundamental role in increasing the precision of particle detection for future particle accelerators.

Following the success of the previous EC-funded initiatives AIDA and AIDA-2020, a new EC-funded project AIDAinnova was successfully approved during the latest Research Infrastructure calls of Horizon 2020.

All five CERN-coordinated projects submitted to the Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure calls have been approved for funding.