WP12: Software for Future Detectors


Task 12.1. Coordination and Communication
• Management and coordination of the Work Package, including monitoring of work progress, budget spending and
reporting to the project management.
• Organisation of WP meetings as well as meetings with other WPs and coordinating presentation of results within
AIDAinnova and to the detector community.

Task 12.2. Turnkey Software
• Integrated Turnkey Software Stack, for physics and performance studies
• Simplified data model toolkit for modern hardware platforms
• Digitisation extensions for geometry toolkit
• R&D study on frameworks to manage heterogeneous resources

Task 12.3. Simulation
• Fast simulation techniques integrated into Geant4
• Machine learning based calorimeter simulation toolkit for training and inference

Task 12.4. Track Reconstruction
• Develop complete track reconstruction chain with Acts composable algorithms
• Implement a portable version of Acts algorithms, for heterogeneous computing
• Machine learning reconstruction algorithm for MPGD detectors

Task 12.5. Particle Flow Reconstruction
• Advanced PFA algorithms for DUNE detectors using new readout technologies
• PFA algorithm with particle ID for dual-readout calorimeters
• Optimised APRIL PFA algorithm for hadronic jets


Task # Task Name Task Leader
12.1 Coordination and Communication Frank Gaede (DESY), Graeme Stewart (CERN)
12.2 Turnkey Software Thomas Madlener (DESY), André Sailer (CERN)
12.3 Simulation Anna Zaborowska (CERN)
12.4 Track Reconstruction Hadrien Grasland (IJCLab)
12.5 Particle Flow Reconstruction John Back (Warwick)


MS # Milestone Name Lead beneficiary Due Date (in months) Means of verification

LC reconstruction prototype in Key4hep

12 - DESY  21 Reproduce similar detector
performance as achieved with
the current framework (Task 12.2)

Prototype of ML based shower simulation 

1 - CERN  22 Runnable example code that
simulates part of the showers
with ML algorithms (Task

Acts tracking algorithm prototypes 

8 - CNRS  23 Runnable test cases which
demonstrate algorithm
functionality on benchmark
data from TrackML (Task
MS50 New PFA prototypes  44 - UWAR  23 Runnable test cases which
demonstrate algorithm
functionality on benchmark
data (Task 12.5)


D # Deliverable Name Lead beneficiary Type Due Date (in months)

Turnkey software stack (Key4hep) 

12 - DESY  Other  46

Fast shower simulation in Geant4 

1 - CERN  Other  45
D12.3 Acts tracking algorithms 8 - CNRS  Other  43

PFA reconstruction algorithms 

44 - UWAR  Other  45